
Sugito Receives Award in LDWN 2024

BALI – The acting governor of Kepulauan Bangka Belitung (Babel) Sugito was awarded for his commitment and dedication to develop tourist villages. He received the award in the appreciation night of public initiator and professional associate 2024 in Renaissance Bali Nusa Dua Resort on Saturday (28/09/2024).

Batu Belubang village, Bangka Tengah regency won the 4th prize in the Nusantara Tourist Village Competition (LDWN) 2024 for the Independent Progression category. Desa Limbongan, Belitung Timur Regency, also won the 14th prize in the same category and Agus Endra Gunawan from Bangka Tengah Regency won the 1st prize for inspiring village associates in the thematic category.

Sugito expressed his gratitude to the Ministry of Villages and Development of Disadvantage Regions and Transmigration (PPDT) for organizing the competition by giving a chance to all villages in Indonesia to show their potency and beauty.

For him, the awards were not only for the two villages but were also an acknowledgment for all people in Babel who had contributed to promote the attractions.

“Congratulations to Batu Belubang and Limbongan village. It proves that we can achieve impressive performances through hard work and collaboration. I hope it’ll inspire other villages to develop their potency. Together, we build sustainable tourism in our region,” he said.

The minister of PPDT Abdul Halim Iskandar said in his remarks that the competition’s goal was to have significant effects on the villages so that they could increase tourist visits and income.

“It’s a conclusive proof that tourist village development is not only a discourse, but it can bring prosperity for the people,” he said.

For information, 3,341 villages participated in LDWN 2024. They were divided into two categories. The first was for disadvantaged and progressing villages and the second was for developed and independent villages.

Judges decided on 15 top villages for each category. The winner for the first category is Sawarna village from Bayah district, Lebak Regency, Banten and the second category is Taro village, Tegalalang district, Gianyar Regency, Bali. (Budi/SAS)

Pj Gubernur Sugito Raih Penghargaan di Ajang Lomba Desa Wisata Nusantara Tahun 2024 (

Budi | Translated by S. Ahmad Sobri
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