
Sugito: the Cultural Advancement Law to Stimulate the Public’s Economy

JAKARTA: The acting governor of Kepulauan Bangka Belitung (Babel) expressed his gratitude to the Culture Ministry of the Republic of Indonesia for the National Cultural Law so that the culture would not only be preserved but also be used to bring benefit to the people.

He said it in the handover ceremony of the Appreciation Certificate of Indonesia Cultural Heritage 2024 on Saturday (16/11/2024) in Kota Tua, Jakarta.

Sugito said further that Law number 5 of 2017 had some purposes such as increasing public awareness to protect, develop and utilize cultural diversity, positioning culture as a course of national development, and empowering the development in the perspective of human and environmental harmony.

“Culture is not only to be preserved but it needs to be used to stimulate the public’s economy. It shows the richness of Babel’s people,” he said.

A similar thing was also said by the Minister of Culture Fadli Zon. He said that the Law was another effort of the government as a foundation to develop cultural noble values and diversity and strengthen national identity and unity.

Fadly expected that in the era of President Prabowo, Indonesian culture could be developed, utilized, and encouraged people’s cultural identity. It was also to make them independent in economy and politics.

The ceremony was an appreciation of the government to stakeholders, community, and people who preserved the culture.

“It is a motivation for us to introduce our culture to national and international events,” said Sugito.

This ceremony was also enlivened by art performances, exhibition, and culinary. (Lisia Ayu/SAS)

Lisia Ayu | Translated by S. Ahmad Sobri
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